Thursday, July 29, 2010

RUPEE SYMBOL: Feel Proud to use it.

Now that our own Indian rupee has an identity, I believe you are fascinated by our own currency (RUPEE) symbol which has been created to differentiate our currency from other nations ( Pakistan, Nepal ,SRILANKA Etc)using RUPPE as their currencies. You can use ` symbol in place of INR or Rs or Rupee. It’s a combination of the letters denoting the R sound in two scripts, Devanagari and English – the new symbol for the Indian rupee carries a lot of weight...

India’s political leadership is often criticized for lacking ambition for the country. Launching the rupee symbol, however, sends a clear signal about the direction in which it wants to take India and the role India sees for itself in the global economy and world affairs. When so much in Indian politics is insular, this needs to be welcomed. Symbols are important too. The rupee symbol establishes a brand for India which can help shape reality, especially when leveraged well with appropriate actions.

Now ` is the new symbol which symbolizes our economic super power, As it stands now, only four currencies have symbols that are synonymous with them internationally – the US dollar, British pound, Japanese yen and European euro. They connote strong economies and global currencies. That should make the power of symbolism clear and the benefits of India joining this exclusive ELITE club

US dollar $

European Euro €

Japanese YEN ¥

Indian RUPPE `

I know you want to use the symbol in your computer, though the symbol may take a while to appear on the keyboard, it can now be typed as a character, thanks to a newly created font.
Mangalore-based Foradian Technologies Pvt. Ltd has made it possible for users to use the symbol by creating a font called Rupee-Foradian.

Please follow following Process to use identity of our currency ` and enjoy

1) Copy the attached file Rupee-Foradian .ttf to the C:/Windows/Fonts folder on your computer

2) Open a file in a word-processor. Type the first character on the keyboard (it appears to the left of 1).

3) Select the character, and apply the Rupee-Foradian font. The rupee symbol `appears!