Thursday, January 15, 2009

Indian Economy 2008 : Part1

Indian Economy 2008-09 Quiz
1. The outlay of Railways annual plan 2008–09 (as Rail Budget 2008–09) has been hiked by 21% which stands at
Rs. 37,500 crorec
2. Allocation for waiving farmer’s loan in budget 2008–09 stands at
Rs. 60,000 crore
3. As budget proposals for 2008–09 the percentage share of direct taxes, in gross tax revenue is
4. Chelliah Committee recommended to tax the agriculture income of non-farmers having income above—
Rs. 25000
5. Twelfth Finance Commission under Chairmanship of Dr. C. Rangrajan has submitted its final report on—
November 30, 2004
6. ‘Open market operation’ is a part of—
Credit Policy
7. The city having highest population in the world is—
Mexico City
8. Targeted power capacity addition for 11th plan period is
66463 MW
9. The Ex-officio Secretary of NDC is
Secretary of Planning Commission
10. 15th SAARC Summit was held in July–August 2008. The changed venue of the summit is—
Sri Lanka
11. The Finance Commission is appointed for every
5 Years
12. 11th National Conference on e-governance was held on 7–8 February, 2008 at—
Panchkula (Haryana)
13. Which percentage of Central Taxes have been recommended by the 12th Finance Commission to be transferred to States ?
14. Which state possesses the maximum percentage of SC population ?
15. Government was decided to cover all districts of the country in National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (NREGP)—
Upto March 31, 2008
16.What is ‘NIKKEI’ ?
Share Price Index of Tokyo Share
17. NABARD was established on the recommendation of—
Shivaraman Committee
18. Sampurna Gramin Rojgar Yojana has been launched from
25th Sept., 2001
19. Which company is providing mobile service with name ‘Cell one’ to the consumers ?
20. VAT is imposed
On all stages between production and final sale

Monday, January 12, 2009

26/11 - the Mumbai Attacks

1. The attack on 26/11 was so shocking that it was referred to as India’s 9/11! The 26/11 attack was the first terror attack of its kind in the city of Mumbai.

Mumbai is the financial capital of India and houses not only the stock exchange but is the headquarters of many a business corporation. Mumbai has had to face terror attacks more than once. Mumbai faced a major terror attack in 1993, when terrorists launched a series of bomb attacks at 13 places killing more than 250 people. From 2002 to 2003, there were more than 5 attacks killing more than 60 people. On July 11th 2006, terrorists planted bombs in trains killing more than 200 people. The city of Mumbai unfortunately had become a prime target for terrorism.
2. Which was the terrorist organization believed to be behind the 26/11 attack? Lashkar-e-Toiba
The Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT) is a terrorist organization that has launched many a terrorist attack against India. LeT has carried out number of strikes in the troubled Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir and is also believed to be behind the 1993, 2003 and 2006 attacks in Mumbai. LeT is believed to receive technical and logistical support from ISI – the Pakistan Intelligence agency.

3. How did the terrorists reach Mumbai to carry out the attack? By boat
On 26th November 2008, ten terrorists entered Mumbai by boat. It is believed that the ten terrorists came from Karachi, took over a fishing trawler (Kuber) and then used an inflatable boat to land at Mumbai near Colaba. The terrorists are believed to have landed at 8:00pm and the terror attacks began at 9:20pm.
4. Which among the following places was NOT a target of the terrorists? Bombay The CST Railway station, Oberoi Trident Hospital, Taj Mahal Hotel and Nariman House,Stock Exchange
The terrorists struck at the following places – The CST Railway station, Oberoi Trident Hospital, Taj Mahal Hotel and Nariman House. They also had skirmishes with the police near Metro Cinema and Cama hospital. The Bombay Stock Exchange, which was targeted in 1993, was not attacked this time.
5. The chief of the Mumbai anti-terrorist squad was among the first to be killed in the attack. True
The city of Mumbai was shocked when they learnt that Hemant Karkare, the Chief of the Mumbai anti-terrorist squad was killed in the terror attack. After the terrorists attacked the CST railway station, they moved on to Cama hospital, where Hemant Karkare accompanied by other key officers including Ashok Kamte, the Additional Commissioner of police took on the terrorists. While the police officers were on the chase, they were ambushed by two of the terrorists, who killed them and took their car and fled from the scene.
6. Which was the Indian organization that led the counter-attack on the terrorists? NSG
The NSG or the National Security Guard is a commando force (known as Black Cats) whose main responsibility is fighting terrorists. The NSG commandos were flown in from their base in Delhi to lead the attack against the terrorists. The RAW (Research and Analysis Wing) and IB (Intelligence Bureau) are the Indian intelligence agencies which faced severe criticism after the attacks. The Shiv Sena is a Mumbai based right-wing political party.

7. What happened to the terrorists after the attack?

Nine were killed and one captured
The terrorists targeted three main places – the Taj Mahal hotel, the Oberoi/Trident hotels and Nariman house. Two other terrorists carried out attacks at other places as a diversionary attack. While the two of them were attempting to flee, they were stopped by the Mumbai police. One of the terrorists died and the other Ajmal Amir Kasab was captured alive. Most of the information about the background of the attack is based on the confessions of the captured terrorist Ajmal Amir Kasab.All the terrorists at the Taj Mahal, Oberoi and Trident hotels and the Nariman House were killed by the NSG commandos after a prolonged attack.
8. What was the total number of casualties in the terror attack? 188 killed, 293 injured
The 26/11 attack on Mumbai was one of the worst terrorist attacks in India. The bloody siege at the Taj and Oberoi hotels saw the death of many innocent people. A total of 188 people were killed and 293 injured in the attacks. Out of the dead, 158 were Indians and the others included 4 Americans, 4 Australians, and 2 Israelis. The terrorists deliberately targeted Nariman House, which was a Jewish centre. Among the dead were 15 policemen and 2 commandos.
9. There was severe criticism of the government in power after the attack and heads rolled after the attack. Who among the following were NOT among those who had to resign in the days following the attack?

The Chief Minister and Home Minister of Maharashtra ,The Mumbai Commissioner of Police
The UPA Government in power in India at the time of the attack had been under attack for not taking stringent measures against terrorism. After the attacks, the Indian Government and the Government of the state of Maharashtra (where Mumbai is located) were severely criticized for intelligence failures, for failing to take quick action and not strengthening security measures. In the fallout from the Mumbai attack, the Home Minister of India Shivraj Patil submitted his resignation from the Union cabinet. The Chief Minister and Home Minister of Maharashtra Vilasrao Deshmukh and RR Patil also had to resign.

10. There was immense pressure on the Government of Pakistan to take action against those believed to be responsible for the attack. Which international leader visited Pakistan just after the attack to pressurize them to act? US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice
In the wake of the terrorist attacks, world leaders joined in to condemn the attack. The confessions of the captured terrorist revealed that the Lashkar-e-Toiba was behind the attacks. Also there was evidence to suggest that the ISI, Pakistan’s intelligence wing, was behind the attack. India issued a demarche to Pakistan demanding action against the leaders of the LeT in Pakistan. The US Secretary of state Condoleeza Rice visited India on 4th December 2008. She also visited Pakistan and made it clear that if Pakistan does not act, then the US would! As a result of the international pressure, Pakistan arrested key leaders of the LeT including Hafiz Saeed. The UN Security Council also stepped in and passed a resolution to ban the Jamaat-ud-Dawa, believed to be the front organization of the LeT.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

General Knowledge- 1

1) Name of the ATS Mumbai Chief and NSG Commando from Bangalore who has died on 26th Nov, at Terrorist attack.
-ATS Chief: Hemant Karkare
-NSG Commando: Sundeep Unnilrishanan

2) Name of terrorist who was captured on 26th Nov, 2008 in Mumbai
- Azmal Amir Kasav
3) Who said “ Give me matter I will make a new world”
- Immanuel Kant
4) Who got prestigious Man Booker award recently for which and for which book?
- Arvind Adiga (The white Tiger)
5) Which is the country whose map is depicted on its flag.
- Cyprus (West Asia)
6) Generally flags are rectangular but there is the country whose flags is square.
- Switzerland

7) Who is the Prime minister of Pakistan?
- Yousaf Raza Gillani
8) Newly appointed Chief minister of Maharastra.
- Ashok Chavan (Congress)
9) Name of the Chief minister of Kerala who is in the news because of his comment on
Martyr Unnikrishanan of Banagalore.
- V.S.Achuthanandan (said, "If it had not been (Major) Sandeep's house, not even a dog would have gone there"
10) What is the capital city of India?
- Delhi (no its not right. its New Delhi)
11) Most Popular god of Vedic era in India.
- Indra
12) Which is the movie received the Best movie award at Cannes in 2008 and Oscar 2008.
- The Class (a French movie) – Cannes 2008
- No land for old man (English) – Oscar 2008

13) Which state / UT has the highest per capita Income and how much..
- Chandigarh – Rs 99,700 (National Per capita income Rs. 45,000)
14) Full form of HTML and CHAT.
- HTML-HyperText Markup Language
- CHAT-Conversational Hypertext Access Technology

15) Ozone layer is known as life blanket for the earth as its saves as from Ultraviolet Rays.
Chemical formula of Ozone.
- O3
16) What is the most abundant element on the crust of the earth (Crust is upper part of the earth)
- Oxygen
17) Google is derived from the word googol, what do you mean by Googol.
- 10 followed my 100 zeros
18) BRIC stands for Brazil, Russia, India and China but SAARC stands for.
- South Asian association for Regional cooperation – Head quarter – Katmandu (Nepal)
19) Cyclone is China is known as.
- Typoon
20) What is the south most point of India and where is it located?
- India point (Nicobar Island)
21) What is the original name of Santa Claus?
- Saint Nicholas
22) A Indian origin woman has become Lord mayor of England .
Name her.
-Manjula Sood (Leicester)

23) What are colors of rainbow / light.
- VIBGYOR (violet, Indigo, blue, Green, Yellow, Orage and Red)
24) Barack Obama has appointed Indian origin lady as one of his advisers.
- Sonal Shah
25) What is the rank of India In Hunger list out of 88 countries surveyed?
- 66th (high Hunger – children malnutrition, lower weight of children below 5 years of age and low intake of protein in diet)
26) The biggest and the smallest bones of our body.
- The Biggest – femur (thigh Bone) and Smallest – Stapes –(ear bone)
27) The Smallest country of the world and its area and Population.
- Vatican City (Near Rome, Italy) Area 0.44 Sq Km, Population - 824
28) Name of a country in which all 5 vowels are there. (One word)
- Mozambique (located at Eastern side of South Africa)
29) (5/5/5) 5 divided by 5 divided by 5 =?
- .1 (5* 1/5 *1/5)
30) What are the three numbers if you multiply or add will give you the same result.
- 1, 2, 3 (1+ 2+3=6 and 1*2*3=6)
31) Byte is a unit of computer’s memory. How many bytes equals to one MG (mega byte).
= 1024 * 1024 (1024 bytes = 1 kilo byte, 1024 kilo bye = 1 Mega byte)
32) India celebrates her republic day on 26th January of every year as our constitution was adopted on 26th January 1950, why they have selected 26th January to adopt it though it was ready on 26th November 1949.
- Indian has celebrated first Independence Day on 26th Jan 1930 , to make the day memorable 26th January was chosen .
33) Who is the Chairman of ISRO? In news because of the launch of Chandrayaan –1
- G. Madhavan Nair
34) In which year the state Karnataka reorganized as a State by adding coorg and some part of AP and some parts of south Maharastra, when was it renamed as Karnataka?
- 1st November 1956, Renamed as Karnataka in 1973, old name state of Mysore)
35) Name the language, which if spelled from forward or backward gives the same name.
- Malayalam
36) SEBI has allowed Currency trading recently, the Exchange where it can be traded.
- NSE, BSE and MCX

Monday, January 5, 2009

current affair 5

1.Who were the players batted double centuries in one innings Border-Gavaskar Trophy 2008 tournament?

V.V.S Laxman & Goutham Gambhir
2.Who won the Australia Open (Womens) 2008?

Serena Williams
3.What is the range of Agni-3 Ballistic Missile which was launched by DRDA on 7th May, 2008?
4.What is the percentage of people depended on agriculture as a lively hood?
5.Which of the following state won the Santosh Trophy 2008?
6.Which of the following country changed as Democratic Federal Republic from Monarchy?

7.Who is present chairman of "ISRO"?
Madhavan Nair
8.Who is present Secretary General of U.N.O?
Ban Ki-moon
9.Who won the B.C.Roy National Award for the year 2006? (presented on 1st July, 2008)
Dr. Ramesh Babu
10.Who won the ICC Women's Cricketer of the year award 2008?
Charlotte Edwards
11.Which port was inaugurated by UPA Chairman Mrs. Sonia Gandhi?
Krishna Patnam
12.Who is the present President of Nepal?

Ram Bharan Yadav
14.Who is posthumously being honored with Kirthy Chakra second highest gallantry award?
Mr. V.Venkateswara Rao, IFO
15.What was the host city for World U-20 Chess Tournaments for the year 2008?
16.Who is present president of Pakistan?
Asif Ali Jardari
17.Who won the Women's World Chess Championship for the year 2008?
Alexandra Kosteniuk
18.Recently Navanshahar district in Punjab State was renamed. On whose memory of a freedom fighter it was renamed?
Bhagath Singh
19.Which of the following is sent to the moon as a part of Chandrayan-I?
Moon Impact Probe
Moon Intelligence Probe

Moon Information Probe
20.How many members were in the group of ASEM?
21.Who won the World Chess Champion Title for the year 2008?
Viswanath Anand
22.Shri Pandit Bhimsen Joshi whose name was announced for Bharatha Ratna for the year 2008 was specialised in
classical vocalist
Pandit Joshi is a renowned Hindustani classical vocalist and a descendant of the Kirana Gharana (stream), he is particularly renowned for the khayal form of singing, and for his bhajans.
23.Who received Silver Pea Cock Award for the year 08?

Sergei Dvortsevoy
Sergei Dvortsevoy director of Tulpan,’ a film from Kazakhstan which was receved Golden Pea Cock had received Silver Pea Cock with a prize money of Rs.15 lakhs
24.Who among the following Bollywood Star was honoured by the Malaysia Government with its highest title “Dhathuk” for his contribution for the development of tourism?.
Shahrukh Khan
Shahrukh Khan was honored with Malaysia’s highest honor: Malaysia government honored Bollywood Star Sharook Khan with “Dhathuk” Title, the country highest honor which is equivalently considered with British Night Hood.
25.Who is ranked as world's most influential woman by the famous America Telivision?
Oprah Gail Winfrey

Friday, January 2, 2009

Current affairs 4

1.Agricultural Growth Rate is estimated to increase from 2.13% to _________ in 11th Five Year Plan?
4 %
02.Who is the present Prime Minister of Russia?
Vladimir Putin
3.Who is present Deputy Chairman of Planning Commission?
Montek S. Ahluwalia
4.Who won the French Open Women's Title for the year 2008?
Ana Ivanovic
5.Who is present director of "World Trade Organisation"?
Pascal Lamy
6.Who has written the novel "The inheritance of loss" which was awarded "Booker Award"?
Kiran Desai
7.In which City winter Olympics 2014 will be held?
8.What is the full name of NIPI co participant of "Yasodha Scheme" recently introduced by Central Government of India?
Norway India Partnership Initiative
9.Who is chairman of N.D.A.?
Atal Bihari Baj Payee
10.Which city was host city for 34th G8 summit ?
11.Who among the following was selected for "UAA Dhirubhai Ambani" award for 2008?
Prof Robert H Grubs
12.Who won the 5 Grammy Awards for 2008?
Amy Winehouse
13.How many countries are in NSG (Nuclear Suppliers Group)?
14.Who won the World U-20 (Boys) Chess Championship for the year 2008?
Abhijeet Gupta
15.Who created all time Olympics record by winning 8 Gold Medals in one Olympics at Beijing?
Michael Phelps
16.Which of the following company introduced the first "G3 I Phone" cell phone in India?
Phone 3G mobile is released by Samsung

17.Who South Indian Film Star entered in politics by Inaugurating "Praja Rajyam" political party?
famous Telugu film star entered in politics by inaugurating Praja Rajyam Political party at Thirupati.
18.What was the host city for Para Olympics 2008?
19.Which commission recently has given report that Mr. Modi chief minister of Gujarat has no involvement in the Godra Incident?
Justice G.T. Nanavathi
20.Who is the present President of South Africa?
Kgalema Motlanthe
21. Who among the following team won the Irani Trophy 2008?
Rest of India
22. What is the organisation founded by the ASEM to promote better mutual understanding between the peoples of Asia and Europe?
Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF).
23. Which country has the highest telephone connections in the world?
24. Where was International Exhibition and Conference on Civil Aviation -India Aviation 2008 held?
Begumpet Airport, Hyderabad
25. Who won the woman world boxing championship for the year 2008 in 46kg category?
Mery Kom ( India)

Recent Awards / Rewards

Slovakia becomes the 16th country to adopt the Euro
The Euro was launched exactly 10 years ago.
Slovakia abandoned its currency, koruna and adopted the Euro.
Slovakia's PM: Robert Fico.

Tata Steel bags awardTata Steel has been conferred CII-ITC sustainability award, 2008, in recognition to the company's performance in corporate services.

Russia wins Miss World 2008; India’s Parvathy 1st runners upIndia's Parvathy Omanakuttan has been narrowly missed out on winning the Miss World 2008 crown which went to Russia's Ksenya Sukhinova at a glittering African extravaganza held in Johannesburg. The 21-year-old Parvathy, who hails from Kottayam in Kerala, finished first runner up and failed to join five Indian glamour queens Reita Faria (1966), Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan (1994), Diana Hayden (1997), Yukta Mookhey (1999) and Priyanka Chopra (2000) who had won the title

Obama is Time ‘Person of the Year’U.S. President-elect Barack Obama has been named ‘Person of the Year’ for 2008 by Time magazine.

New Chief Justice for J&K High CourtPatna High Court Judge, Justice Barin Ghosh appointed the Chief Justice of the Jammu and Kashmir High Court with effect from the date he assumes charge.

Award for MindTreeMindTree, an IT and R&D services company, has won the national award for excellence in corporate governance, given by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India.

Madhusoodan Tripathi gets Human Rights AwardThe National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) has awarded Prof Madhusoodan Tripathi for his book "Child Rights and Child Exploitation" based on recent scenerio of child rights and exploitation.

HDFC Bank bags NASSCOM awardPrivate sector HDFC Bank has won the Nasscom IT User Award 2008 for best IT Adoption in the Banking sector.The award recognises enterprises across sectors that have implemented projects, demonstrating benefits of IT to the Enterprise, thereby leading the wave of IT adoption in India.

Mubarak conferred Nehru Award after 13 yearsEgypt's President Hosni Mubarak was conferred the Jawaharlal Nehru Award for International Understanding by President Pratibha Patil 13 years after it was announced.

ISRO Chairman selected for K R Narayanan awardISRO Chairman G Madhavan Nair has been selected for this year's K R Narayanan award.He was selected for the award for his exemplary work in the field of science and successful launch of India's first unmanned mission to moon Chandrayaan-I

Thursday, January 1, 2009

current affair 3

1.Who is the present President of Russia?
Dimitri Medvedev
2.Which country won the world prestigeous Ubar Cup in badminton in 2008?
3.Who is present Governor of Jammu & Kashmir?
Narendra Nath Vohra
4.Who won the French Open Men's Title for the year 2008?
Rafael Nadal
5.Who won the Asia Cup (Cricket) 2008?
6.In whose memory recently a postal stamp was released for the development of film industry?
V. Prasad
7.Shri Koneru Ashok recipient of Dronacharya Award for 2006 is associated with which game ?
8.Dronavalli Harika recipient of Arjun Award for 2007 is associated with which of the following sports?
9.Who has achieved the Super Grand Master in Chess?

Koneru Hampi
10.In which Country winter Olympics 2014 will be held?
11.What is object of the "Yasodha Scheme" recently introduced by Central Government of India?
To look after new born children and mother for 48 hours
12.Who is chairperson of U.P.A.,?
Sonia Gandhi

13.Whose name is announced for prestigious "Dada Saheb Phalke Award" 2006?Tapan Sinha
14.Who is present American Minister for Foreign Affairs ?
Candoliza Rice
15.Which country is suffering from highest inflation rate?
16.The dream product "Nano Car" is being produced by TATA at which of the following controversial place? Recently TATA decided to shift the company from that place.
Singur( West Bengal)
17.In which summit NSG countries accepted for supplying nuclear to India?
18.Who won the US Open title (Men) 2008?
Roger Federer
19.In which city was International Seminar on Aids held?
20.Which country has arrived with the first nuclear agreement with India after NSG acceptance?
21.Indian Couple Krishnammal and Jagannathan are selected for which of the following award treated as Nobel Prize?2.
Right Lively Hood Award 2008
Krishnammal and Sankaralingam Jagannathan, founders of LAFTI (Land for the Tillers' Freedom) (India) in Tamil Nadu are selected for Right Lively Hood Award 2008.
22.How many countries are representing from Europe in ASEM?
23.Who recently created the world record in Test Matches (Cricket) 12000 more runs?
Sachin Tendulkar
24.Who was the new president of Maldives?
Mohamed Nasheed
A former political prisoner and pro-democracy activist, Mohamed Nasheed, has been sworn in as president of the Maldives
25.Which place was occupied by India in telephone connections?
India occupied the second positions in telephone connections. China and US occupied the first and third positions.